using a tablet as a digital sketchbook.
i find that using a tablet can be of great help when it comes to studying and drawing off photo references of models. An alternative would be using tracing paper over a printed image. But a tablet can be more convenient and you can use it on your travels.I use an app called Art Flow on a Samsung galaxy tab. Its a free app but you can upgrade if you want to at a small cost.
I use it to bring in pictures of models and then draw on top or alongside to breakdown the gesture and structure of a figure. Trying to work out a particular set of problems that i can use to help me when drawing on paper. I also use it to study works of old masters that i saved from the internet and also to draw these ideas from memory. Think of using a tab as a digital sketchbook.
Here is some images i saved from my tablet using artflow. Model Reference images are from New Masters Academy. You can get an idea of the type of practice that is good to do daily. Even if its just 5 minutes a day. One day you may study head construction another day you may decide to study anatomy of the upper Arm or the hand. I find that slowly the information gets ingrained to memory and then that can be drawn upon in a life drawing class.
figure studies |
master study of Steve Husons work |
doing quick master studies. |
leg and knee studies |
torso studies |
torso gestures |
studies of individual body parts |
arm anatomy studies |
ways of breaking down the figure |
anatomy over the figure |
anatomy over master works |
master composition studies |
random page of studies |
torso..arms up studies |
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master color studies | color studies |
hand and finger studies |
more notes |
hands |
individual feature studies |
heads torsos |
legs feet |